Saturday, October 30, 2021

Longer Owns …


don't know where I am.


am floating through time and space. And it is flying and gliding at the same time.

And all of a sudden we are in the middle of another November.

One advantage of separated bodies and minds is that the mind is able to travel with light-speed from one place to another. But it is even quicker than light-speed. It is thoughts-speed.

Now my mind is in my empty penthouse apartment above the fifteenth floor of the skyscraper building on 666 Whitaker Lane. And now it is by the pool-side on the former prison but now hotel island called Askatraz in the bay of Bromford, the friendly town by the shore and seaside.

That is where I have laid down my body.

And a llama is watching over me, coming closer and closer. And now… What is going on down there?


'Dude', the llama cries out. 'This is mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. That old sack of a body of yours stopped breathing somehow!"

And the fortune cookie says,

Only seven chewing-gum stripes left.

Today is Saturday, the 30th of October 2021.


It is getting chilly out here on the porch by the backyard garden, the antagonist says.

These are the ghosts and spirits walking by and gathering for Halloween and All Saints, says the protagonist, make sure that you are well remembered and not forgotten when you pass over to the other side.

Now you are giving me the chills, Prot, the antagonist says. Better stop listening to that Nick Cave songs. Looking at those early covers I think he is a vampire.

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