Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Longer Brains …

Askatraz. My body is on Askatraz. Did we ever mention that name? Do you remember the former prison island in the Bromford Bay right in sight and across Bromford Harbour? My companion llama and I went there on a short holiday before some Christmas holidays now that the former prison island is a hotel complex. We -the animal and I - were private investigators at that time - or at least pretended to be. We pretended to investigate death threats against Lady Hesketh-Fortescue, the owner of the North Cothelstone Hall Hotel on the former prison island - today still known as Askatraz.

And I once heard Mr. Winterbottom - the managing director of the hotel - talk about Askatraz being the only prison in the 1950s with warm-water showers. And the water was not hot because of kindness or wellness reasons but to prevent the prisoners from getting used to cold water so that they would not dare to jump into the cold waters of Bromford Bay to escape the prison swimming.

My mind wandered off to the past and out of my body about one week ago, left my body laying by the hotel pool watched and guarded by the animal.

And the fortune cookie says,

How would a fish wear pants?

Today is Wednesday, the 13th of October 2021.

🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡 🐡

»Would a fish wear pants?« the antagonist asks.

»I don't think we should asks those questions«, says the protagonist. »We are paying to much attention to Bromford's madness.«

»The Madness has him?« the antagonist asks.

»The Madness is a network made of … well, yes… madness.«

The protagonist goes into deeper thinking not really satisfied with the end of this blockblog post.

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