Friday, November 05, 2021

Longer Luck Acceptings …

Dark is the night, darker are the days.

Why does it feel like November is almost over? A peculiar strange feeling ...

I open my eyes, yes, my eyes. I am back in my body again.

»It is not that time of year to lie around on a sun lounger by some poolside«, I say to Kylie and the animal. »Can't you feel it's way too cold? What kind of friends are you?«

»You are an idot, Bromford Bibble!« Kylie is giving me a punch on the arm. »Let's go inside.«

And the fortune cookie says,

You don't lose unless you give up.

Today is Friday, the 5th of November 2021.


»Why wasn't Jojo Rabbit filmed in New Zealand?« asks the antagonist. »Isn't it an New Zealandian movie?«

»Is it?« the protagonist says.

»The director, Taika Waititi, is from New Zealand«, says the antagonist. »And one of the actresses who played Elsa, the girl behind the walls, is from New Zealand, too.«

»Scarlett Johansson is not from New Zealand«, the protagonist says. »Neither is Sam Rockwell nor Alfie Allen.«

»I have read they shot scenes in cities in the Czech Republic«, says the antagonist, »because they still looked like German cities before and during the Second World War.«

»OK«, the protagonist asks, »so why don't you ask yourself why they did not shoot in Germany where German cities should look like German cities. And what do you think do New Zealandish cities look like?«

»I think they look like Hobbiton or Bree«, says the antagonist. »Don't they say New Zealand was the home of Middle-earth?«

»See, Ant«, the protagonist says, »there is your answer why they did not film in New Zealand. But I am not so sure, Ant. Not at all. I really doubt it, Ant.«

»Why do you always have to be such a spoilsport, Prot?«

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