Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Longer Give Ups …

»I am tired.«

I am lying in the hammock in the living-room of my penthouse above the fifteenth floor of the apartmenthouse on 666 Whitaker Lane in Bromford the friendly town by the bay and seaside.

»Aren't you tired of writing this all the time?«

I am not alone. There is someone with me in the twilight of an early Tuesday morning. Kylie, I think. But I am too tired to fully open my weary eyes.

»What do you mean?« I ask.

»… in the penthouse above the fifteenth floor of the apartment building on 666 Whitaker Lane in Bromford, the friendly town by the bay and seaside…«

»How do you know? I haven't written it, yet. I thought it but I did not write it down.«

»You look so pale, Brom«

Her voice through the mists of headache.

»It is kind of exhausting to leave your body, you know«, I try to explain.

»Why do we have a hammock in the living-room, if you don't mind me asking?«

»Banana hammock?«

»Let me kiss your eyes, Brom. That and a sip from this glass of water will let you sleep a sleep of recovery and healing.«

Is she sitting right next to me in the hammock holding my head? The rocking is making me sick. The living-room turns into some kind of boat dancing on the waves in the bay in a roaring autumn storm.

»I kiss your eyes.«

Close, too close. She is too close.


And the fortune cookie says,

Things will fall easier into place than you think.

Today is Tuesday, the 9th of November 2021.

🩳 🩳 🩳 🩳 🩳

»The stewing-gum box is almost empty«, the antagonist shrieks.

»Chewing…«, answers the protagonist.

»No, thank you«, the antagonist replies,. »I am not hungry at the moment. Aren't you at least a little bit worried, that the stewing- gum box will be empty after only two more time?«

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