Saturday, August 07, 2021

Longer Turns …

»Look, there are a tono and his bull.«

»Mmh, I like pizza tono. That's tuna, isn't it?«

»This is Spain, you know, not Italy«, I say. »And I think the llama wanted to say, there are a torero and his bull.«

♫ Barcelona ♫, Kylie sings with her fake opera voice.

»Really?« I ask.

»And who's gonna order the pizza now?« Nigel asks. »I am hungry.«

»Nobody wanted to order pizza here«, I try to explain.

»I wanted to«, the llama says. »But I do not eat tuna. Tuna fish are dolphins, aren't they? They are caught in the same fishing nets, I think. You will have to order a vegan pizza for me.«

»Torero«, I say, »not tono. And we are in Spain not in Italy. We can order paella or something like that.«

»And a torero is…?«

»A bullfighter«, I say. »Come on, folks. Why are you all playing dumb today?«

»I don't want to see a bullfight«, Nigel says, »they are bloody and brutal and totally unfair.«

»Bullfighting was banned in Barcelona in 2010 and although the ban was overturned in 2016, the sport no longer takes place here«, Kylie says with her travelling-guide-kind of voice.

»So why are we talking about toreros and tunas here?« the llama asks.

»You started this discussion with your remark, animal.«

»The old man and the sea«

»That's Hemingway«, Kylie says, »Ernest Hemingway.«

»And a swordfish not a tuna«, the animal adds.

»Is a Marlin a swordfish?« Nigel wants to know.

My head aches.

And the fortune cookie says,


Today is Saturday, the 7th of August 2021


And the protagonist thinks, Help! I'm being held captive in a blockblog.

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