Saturday, August 21, 2021

Longer Thes …

Good Evening!

Welcome to Driftwood, Transylvania, the city beyond the forest.

I am your Grand Master Guru of the evening.

Welcome, learners, to the First School of Priagoratory.

And here comes my first lesson for no time shall be wasted.

The higher, the fewer!

Think about it.

The Cow Jumped over the Moo!

Over the Moon, dude!

As if that would make more sense …

And the fortune cookie says,

Don't mistake temptation for opportunity.

Today is Saturday, the 21st of August 2021.


Oh, Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz, sings the antagonist.

You do know that you are not the guru in this cult, don't you,
the protagonist asks? It's always the memembers who buy
expensive cars for their cult leaders.

Or they go on murder sprees for them.

Yes, Manson, the protagonist says.

What is a Priagoratory, asks the antagonist?

Part of the Great Kollobita´´rtainnen, I, the protagonist, think …

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