Monday, August 23, 2021

Longer Temptations …


Are you looking for something glittering, something sparkling?

Everything wrong with …


The name in blinking lights. A big show stage and an exicted audience applauding all the way. The showband playing a loud and long fanfare with rolling drums and trumpets. Spots on Bromford Bibble, your host of the evening…

»Turn of that old cassette player, dude«, the llama says. »And stop taping those LATE NIGHT SHOWS.«

»What type of show is this supposed to be?« Nigel asks. »A travel show?«

»As the animal said, I have my own late night show now. The late tonight show with Bromford Bibble today.«

»Didn't say anything like that«, the animal says.

And the fortune cookie says,

You will overcome difficult times.

Today is Monday, the 23rd of August 2021.


Never understood those late night shows, the protagonist says.

Me neither, the antagonist answers.

That's not very antagonistic, the protagonist wonders.

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