Monday, October 05, 2020

Longer Pains …

Can you travel back in time to the year 1987, at least in your memory and thoughts?

Llama? The llama is not at home.

This voice must come from my head.

1987. A year of dancing lessons - standard dances, waltz and foxtrot, tango and quickstep. A year of Prom balls, two of them. Two girls, one must, one voluntarily. Prom as end of the dancing lessons. Similar but not the same. A Christmas ball with number one and some friends and her family. Her dress caught in sticky fake spider webs on a very special Christmas tree. It didn't fall, I swear.

1987. A year of first love's end when she ran away with another boy, well…, not literally. The first girl I ever kissed… And a year when the next love ended before it started when she said let's stay friends and nothing more. But the later one might have happened in the following year or even later.

Don't open that memory box. It is too painful. Or is it and was it ridiculous? I haven't seen all three girls in years. And of course, they aren't girl anymore after 33 years.

They moved on. Did I?

No good idea to write a blockblog post like this. Way to personal. Way too close.

Mark all and delete the last few sentences.

Back to business…

--------------------- Certified - There's Fire Where You Are Going -------------------------

We're only making plans for Nigel
We only want what's best for him
We're only making plans for Nigel
Nigel just needs that helping hand

And if young Nigel says he's happy
He must be happy
He must be happy
He must be happy in his work

We're only making plans for Nigel
He has this future in a British steel
We're only making plans for Nigel
Nigel's whole future is as good as sealed, yeah

And if young Nigel says he's happy
He must be happy
He must be happy
He must be happy in his work

Nigel is not outspoken
But he likes to speak, and he loves to be spoken to (In his work)
Nigel is happy in his work (In his work)
Nigel is happy in his work (In his work)

We're only making plans for Nigel

And the fortune cookie says,

You can do anything.

Today is Monday, the 5th of October 2020.
Later, a diabolic laughter sounds the empty penthouse on the rooftop of the apartment building on 666, Witaker Lane in Bromford, the friendly town by the sea and shore side.

# You should have deleted all the savety files, Bromford.
You will never live in peace again from now on...


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