Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Road to Equality …

Today is Sunday, the 16th of June 2019.

Kylie is calling from Wyoming. Who put the 'E' in 'Quality', she wonders.

So we are going back to the North-East, the llama asks.

Yes, Kylie says, we can still make it in one flow although we got the wrong turn the other day. We should have gone from Montana to Wyoming and not to Idaho. We can still get there. Although we will have to change the goal of our journey through the United States of America.

There is a goal, the llama asks.

There is a new goal, Kylie says. Bromford, would you explain it to us?

How I hate these three persons telephone conversations.

Yes, I say. There was this thought in my head. But I cannot figure it out. It was something like you two being on concert tour through all fifty states with all these cover songs about the wonderful city of Bromford. And there was this big festival as the highlight at the end of your journey. But it felt more natural or organic when it first came to my mind.

Did you know that magpies are serious killers, the llama asks. Really. Don't raise your eyebrows, you two. I saw one of them kill a blackbird chick last year, in the garden. At first I though it was a really big worm the magpie was ripping apart but it was a blind and featherless chick it stole from the nest. And the blackbird parents attacked the magpie with shrill sounds and sharp beaks. It was a massaker.

The other idea, I try to ignore the animal and its violent fantasies, was about all these cities called Springfield in the United States of America. What about a concert in every Springfield in every State?

What is this with you and the concerts, Kylie asks me. Llama and I are no musicians. We do not play instruments and I am quite sure nobody wants to hear us sing.

Lionesses are serious killers, too, the llama says. They eat gnu babies and zebras. And polar bears, they hunt down penguins and have them for barbecue.

What is this with you and the killer animals, Kylie asks the llama.

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, the llama says. Let's practice that song from last Thursday's song quiz. I once knew a girl in Harrisburg. She called herself Sugar and had a dog called Pepper. Or maybe I knew a girl from Germany and she called her dog Sugar. Or maybe both.

So that is set, I say. I will book you two more concerts as your home-based manager from here. Start your rehearsals. It is gonna be a huge success. I will hear you if you won't hear me first.

And as always I am very strong in ignoring protesting sounds from the other end of the line.

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