Friday, June 28, 2019

Rise Like A Grand Canyon …

Today is Friday, the 28th of June 2019.

Kylie is calling from Arizona.

Arizona, the llama says, is The Copper State. I felt like dyeing my hair red somehow.

The animal looks like a clown, Kylie says. Give it four super-sized shoes and the image would be perfect.

Well, I say, I do not want to be a spoilsport or an overprotective manager but how is your concert tour going?

Again I can almost hear Kylie roll her eyes.

We had a gig in the Springfield Golf Resort, the llama says.

Which is part of one of the Springfield Retirement Communities, Kylie adds.

And we played Golf music, the llama says.

What is Golf music, I ask.

I don't know, Kylie says. Something with piano and some singing.

The old folks did not listen to us, the llama says. They were looking for their golf balls they have beaten over the edge of the Grand Canyon. The whole Grand Canyon is filled with golf balls these days. But one day they will


I have to hold the receiver away from my ear because the llama is so loud.

Everything alright with the animal, I ask Kylie after a while.

Don't ask, Kylie says. Take this new map and I will call you again next week.

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