Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Empty Beehive States…

Kylie is calling from Utah.

Who is this Uta, the llama asks.

I don't know, Kylie says, maybe another one of Bromford's female friends.

I don't like these female parts of your split personality, dude, the llama shouts.

Calm down, animal, Kylie says. This is Utah, another one of the United States of America. Do you want to talk about Mormons?

I don't want to talk about hormones, the llama says. Are you in love again, Kylie-Whiley?

I said Mormons not hormones, Kylie says. Wash you ears, animal. It says here they also call Utah the Beehive State.

Why do they call it the Beehive State, the animal asks. I haven't seen any bees lately. Only some big old mean killer wasps.

I am your travelling companion not your teacher, Kylie says. Find out for yourself why thinks are they way they are.

Does anybody want to talk to me, I asks no one in specific or maybe the telephone receiver.

Now I understand why there are no bees in Utah, the llama says after some time of silence. Bees prefer sugar.

I will not ask. I will not ask. I will not ask.

Bromford will not ask, Kylie says. They prefer sugar to what?

Salt of course, the llama says. And I can almost see it roll its eyes. These Hormones from Utah should have called their capital city Sugar Lake City and not Salt Lake City and the bees with their drones and queens they would be swarming this state for eternity.

To infinity and beyond, Kylie says.

And I only ask myself, why, why, why… again and again and again…

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