Thursday, November 17, 2022

N ags …

The lights inside the elevator go out. Only the one number on the panel is shining its' blue light into the cabin's otherwise complete darkness.


From my point of view it looks like a third six is showing and flickering from time to time.


Six six six? The number of the beast again? My feeling about this is as bad as the llama's.

»Where are we?« whispers Kylie.

»Are we still moving?« Nigel asks after clearing his throat.

»Hard to say«, I say.

»Seems like the elevator doors are open«, the llama says. »I can feel it in my toes. Did you hear the BING!?«

»What bing?« asks Professor Sideburns.

»The elevator's opening sound«, I say. »But the elevator has been broken for so long that I do not remember if it always made that sound before.«

»Or only on strange advent journeys through time and space«, the llama burps out.

»Don't ask«, I say to the archaelogy professor.

»Try to open the doors, dude«, the animal demands.

I take a short glance at the elevator panel. There are only two blue sixs. I take that as slight sign of hope and some kind of savety.

The elevator doors are really open a crack. I put both hands between them and push them to the sides. Now they are open wide to complete darkness and an exotic but strangely familiar smell.


Today is Thursday, the 17th of November 2022.

Exotic Darkness

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