Saturday, November 05, 2022

K ales …

»What does your elevator key look like?« asks Professor Sideburns.

»It is a slim golden one and usually attached to a keychain with a ring to my other keys to frontdoor, penthouse door and so on«, I answer.

»And you don't know where they are? That is so... so... so... human of you, dude! And expensive. Don't you remember the last time you lost your keys? That locksmith service literally took my last shirt, so to say«, adds the llama.

»The shirt you are not even wearing, animal?« I ask. »And if I remember clearly it was you who burried the keychain in the park because you thought the FSS or the CIA or MI5 was after you because of some comments you posted on the internet.«

»It was the MI6 and just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they are not after me.«

»MI6?« asks Nigel. »Bond? James Bond? Himself? Cool!«

»Don't be rediculous«, Kylie tries to bring things further. »Where did you last see or use your keys, Bromford? Where do you usually put them?«

»And why doesn't an apartment-house like this use electronic keys like an app on a smartphone or something like this?« Nigel adds another unnecessary question.

»On the little cabinet in the hallway«, I answer one of the questions. »And the apartment owners weren't ready for electronic key apps on their - let's say - last ten annual owners' meetings. The apartment building on 666, Whitaker Lane, in Bromford, the friendly town by the bay and seaside, was to old, they kept saying.«

Klinging I can hear and see something flying towards me. In reflex I catch my keychain out of the air.

»Try these keys from the cabinet, you hero«, says the llama. »Not lost, not hidden in my non-existing pouch or somewhere else.«

»Ready for the next try?« asks Professor Sideburns pointing inside the elevator cabin.

And I am not too sure to be ready…


Today is Saturday, the 5th of November 2022

Little Cabinet in the Hallway.

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