Tuesday, November 29, 2022

E agle-eyeds …

»Where are we?« Professor Sideburns, the llama's archaeology professor, the animal and we used to call Professor Burnside, asks. »To be honest, this does not look like an ancient grave cave or treasure hole from old Greenolion.«

For a moment I do not know what the old white-haired and beared man is talking about. Than it comes back to me. I have almost forgotten that we are on a treasure hunt searching for the sunken island of Greenolion with a mysterious green treasure map.

And the professor is right. This windowless place - now lit by white-blue light of some neon lights at the ceiling - looks more like a storage room with shelves filled with cans and jars and dried spices and herbs at the walls and in the middle of the room forming two aisles in a very crowded room.

»I know exactly where we are, folks«, the llama says.

»You do?« Kylie asks. »Then why don't you tell us?«

»Do you remember the first virus lockdowns two and a half years ago?«

Something is beginning to dawn on me.

»When you tried to hide and keep the distance down in the elevator shaft?« I ask.

»BINGO!« The animal is grinning the wildest smile.

»I don't get it«, Nigel says.

»This is Speedy's storage room. I stole… ehm… borrowed food from here in my isolation. See that sink and faucet on the opposite wall? The water tastes quite salty but more than sweet and wonderful when you are nearly dying of thirst.«

»Quit exaggerating, animal«, I say.

»I still don't get it«, Nigel says.

»We are in the storage room of Speedy's Sandwich Bar & Café in the basement of the building on 666 Whitaker Lane. See that door over there? It leads to Speedy's - the restaurant's owner's and cook's - Mexican kitchen«, the llama is shouting excitedly.

»Still does not explain why the elevator brought us here and what we are to do«, Kylie mumbles.

»And, animal«, I add, »if I may draw your attention to this. There is no door.«

»What are you talking about, dude?« the llama says. »It is right here next to the illuminated light switch.«

We are all looking but there is no door. This storage room is completely window- and doorless.

»Blimey!« the llama is cursing. »How is this possible? I could have sworn the door was here as usual only a few moments ago.«

Now the professor who is still standing inside the elevator cabin clears his throat. He is holding and looking at the treasure map in his hands.

»Lady and Gentlemen«, Sideburns says, »the map is acting quite strangely if you want my oppionion. Take a look.«

I take a step back inside the cabin to the professor's right side. The rhomboid shapes on the map that used to show words and numbers have now turned into glowing arrows. And they are pointing forward, in front of the professor to the storage room.








Today is Tuesday, the 29th of November 2022.



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