Monday, December 14, 2020

Bromford's Ark - Part 16 - 12:14 a.m.

Apartment 11 - Sixth Floor … and we go from door to door.

The strange monotone song from a few minutes ago comes up again.

'Follow the sign! Follow the sign! Follow the sign!'

Kate and Karl Kangaroo the neighbours from the sixth floor try to shake my hands.

'Please, tell us a story, oh Bromford', they ask me. 'Let us take part in your wisdom and faith!'

Llama and Kylie and Nigel get carried away to the end of the line of beings tumbling down the stairs.

Yes, maybe it is time for a nice little tale.

'Are you ready to hear my message?' I ask the growing crowd.

'Yes, Bromford. Yes, Bromford. Yes, Bromford!' they shout.

'Then let me tell you the Y-Mess Story in a way you have never heard it before.'

Feels nice to finally have listeners, I think.

'And so it begins …

Long ago, about 3 years, when King Donald ruled The Land of Glory (now part of The Land of Great), Jason sent the llama - pardon my French - KussKuss to a young woman who lived in the northern town of Qaanaaq. The girl's name was Kylie and she was engaged to marry Bromford.

The llama - pardon my French - KussKuss said to Kylie: 'Pace be with you! Jason has blessed you and is pleased with you.' Kylie was very surprised by this and wondered what the llama meant. The llama said to her 'Don't be afraid, Jason has been very kind to you. You will become pregnant by the Flying Spaghetti Monster Spirit and give birth to a baby boy and you will call him Nigel. He will be Jason's own Son and his kingdom will never end.' Kylie was very afraid but she trusted Jason. 'Let it happen as Jason chooses.' she replied to the llama. Pardon my French - KussKuss also told Kylie that her cousin, Dannii who everyone thought was too old to have children, would have a baby boy whom Jason had chosen to prepare the way for Nigel.

Kylie said goodbye to her family and friends and went to visit her cousin Dannii and her husband Julian. Dannii was very happy to see Kylie. She knew that Kylie had been chosen by Jason to be the mother of his Son. A llama had already told Julian that Dannii's baby would prepare people to welcome Nigel. He was to be called Rick. Kylie stayed with Dannii about three months and then returned home to Qaanaaq.'

And way down we go …

"Bromford, Tennessee"

Long distance information
Give me Bromford, Tennessee

Try to find the party
Trying to get in touch with me

She would not leave her number
But I know who placed the call

Cos my uncle took the message
And he wrote it on the wall

Help me, information
Get in touch with my Marie
She's the only one who'd phone me here
From Bromford, Tennessee
Her home is on the south side

Just beyond the ridge
Just a half a mile

From the Mississippi Bridge

Help me, information
More than that I cannot add
Only that I miss her

And all the fun we had
We were pulled apart

Because her mom would not agree
Help me get in touch with her

In Bromford, Tennessee

The last time I saw Marie
She was waving me goodbye
With hurry homedrops on her cheek

That trickled from her eyes
Marie is only six years old

Information please
Help me get in touch with her

In Bromford, Tennessee


  1. The only town I know in Tennessee.

    1. Isn't Williams a town in Tennessee? Tennessee Williams...
      Sorry, bad joke, I know... 🙄🙄🙄

      The Beatles - Memphis, Tennessee

  2. Memphis now on rang 9 with 4 pointns ...

    203 songs about 100 different cities (and places).

    *** New York IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (including Manhattan IIIII and Chelsea I and Brooklyn I) ***

    Hamburg IIIIIIIIIIIIIII (including St. Pauli III and Wilhelmsburg I and Altona I and Jenfeld I and Bahrenfeld I and Ohlsdorf I and Niendorf I)
    Los Angeles IIIIIIIIIIIIII (including Hollywood IIIIII)
    Berlin IIIIIII
    Amsterdam IIIIIII
    London IIIIIII (including Londinium I and Chelsea I and Walthamstow I)
    San Francisco IIII
    Bethlehem IIII
    Memphis IIII
    New Orleans III
    Philadelphia III
    Jerusalem III
    Manchester III
    Budapest II
    Babylon II (Pompeii is in this part of the list so...)
    Warsaw II
    Rome II
    Hong Kong II
    Tijuana II
    Paris II
    Houston II
    Acapulco II
    Montréal II
    Seattle II
    Galway II
    Washington II
    Detroit II
    Malice I
    San José I
    Barcelona I
    Scarborough I
    Atlantic City I
    Pompeii I
    Chicago I
    Waterloo I
    Pyongyang I
    Yarmouth I
    Santa Maria Da Feira I
    Berkeley I
    West Palm Beach I
    Cologne I
    Monterey I
    Starkville I
    Odessa I
    Tupelo I
    Leningrad I
    Miami I
    Fribourg I
    Baltimore I
    Montgomery I
    Folsom I
    Perth I
    Sanibel I
    Harrisburg I
    Gloucester I
    Calgary I
    Blackfield I
    Omaha I
    Gainesville I
    Santiago I
    Saint Malo I
    Chernobyl I
    Grevenbroich I
    Brownsville I
    Mason City I
    Benton I
    San Jacinto I
    Cairo I
    Grafton I
    Istanbul I
    Belfast I
    Nazareth I
    Aurora I
    Moscow I
    Durango I
    Donkey Town I
    Key West I
    Laredo I
    Durban I
    Bangkok I
    Bowenville I
    Woodstock I
    Shanghai I
    Kalispell I
    El Dorado I
    Gaza I
    Las Vegas I
    Oxford I
    Orléans I
    Kilronan I
    Santa Fe I
    Leicester I

    Not even really a (real) city or place:
    Jersey III
    California II
    Gomorrah II
    Albion I
    Essex I
    Idaho I
    Atlantis I
    Camelot I

