Monday, November 16, 2020

Longer Woolies …

'Immature, that's what you are', the animal says.

'I don't know what you mean, animal', I say. 'What form would your Daemon take?'

'My what?' asks the animal.

'Daemon. Mine is a Hummingbird.'

'Is this a kind of power-animal you are talking about?' the llama asks.

I recite from my mind; 'I have got a Hummingbird. My Hummingbird Daemon would flicker near me, matching its colourful feathers to my own colourful imagination. I am sweet-natured, kind, and incredibly creative. I tend to keep myself to myself, but not because I am shy or anxious, I just have my very own specific interests and prefer to invest my time in those things. I have a dreamy quality but I am not naive at all; I understand that time is precious and so I choose to invest it into my passions.'

'How immature of you to say such things about yourself', the animal is rolling its eyes. 'This Daemon thing comes from some childrens' book, doesn't it?'

'Let me do the test for you.'

I am kind of excited and take myself some time. After doing some strange calculations with ink and pencils and feathers I say,

'You got: Leopard.
Your Leopard Daemon would slowly slink behind you everywhere you went. You appreciate all things beautiful; from simple cutlery to breath-taking visages. You never want to waste your time and energy on anything you deem poor quality – from shoddily made shoes to distrustful people. You tend to have fewer friends, but they're all truly loyal to you and friends for life.'

'I still think, you are immature', the animal says.

We switch roles in this blockblog from time to time, I think.

'Kylie is pregnant.'


And the fortune cookie says,

You will be successful in everything you do.


We're only making plans for Nigel
We only want what's best for him
We're only making plans for Nigel
Nigel just needs that helping hand

And if young Nigel says he's happy
He must be happy
He must be happy
He must be happy in his work

We're only making plans for Nigel
He has this future in a British steel
We're only making plans for Nigel
Nigel's whole future is as good as sealed, yeah

And if young Nigel says he's happy
He must be happy
He must be happy
He must be happy in his work

Nigel is not outspoken
But he likes to speak, and he loves to be spoken to (In his work)
Nigel is happy in his work (In his work)
Nigel is happy in his work (In his work)

We're only making plans for Nigel
We only want what's best for him
We're only making plans for Nigel
Nigel just needs this helping hand

And if young Nigel says he's happy
He must be happy
He must be happy
He must be happy in his work

Mm, we're only making plans for Nigel
We only want what's best for him
We're only making plans for Nigel


Today is Monday, the 16th of November 2020.
Don't Be Ridiculous - The Return of Ulysses

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