Monday, November 02, 2020

Longer Separations …

The middle of the night. Or is it early in the morning? There is a noise at the frontdoor of the penthouse on the roof of the apartment building at 666 Whitaker Lane in Bromford, the friendly town by the shore and seaside.

I grap a broomstick from the closet next to my bedroom door as a weapon and switch on the lights.

There is a llama crawling on all fours along the hallway.

I put away the broomstick and say, 'So, you finally returned, animal? It is Monday night or early Monday morning. I hope you enjoyed something that must have been the longest Halogen feast in history. And I hope you have enjoyed it very much, because this was the last feast for at least one month.'

'I don't know what you are talking about, human,' the animal moans. 'And turn off the lights. They are hurting my poor, old eyes.'

'I cannot believe it', I say. 'Your Quaddatch match was on Saturday, as was the school feast. Where have you been all Sunday long?'

'I didn't attend the Halogen feast this year', the llama says. 'I went down to the dungeons to take part in the deathday celebration of Sir Piggle Popelton - The Totally Threadless Pigg. The food was rotten and drinking sour wine whit a bunch of ghosts is never easy.'

'Enough plagiasm for the last weeks, animal. Do you want a bowl of water before you go to bed?'

'Make that a counter beer and leave me alone.'

A hangover in Hanover, I think, leaving it this way for the time being.


* * * * * * * * * * * Cycle - The Stars Turn and a Time Presents Itself * * * * * * * * * * *

We're only making plans for Nigel
We only want what's best for him
We're only making plans for Nigel
Nigel just needs that helping hand

And if young Nigel says he's happy
He must be happy
He must be happy
He must be happy in his work

We're only making plans for Nigel
He has this future in a British steel
We're only making plans for Nigel
Nigel's whole future is as good as sealed, yeah

And if young Nigel says he's happy
He must be happy
He must be happy
He must be happy in his work

Nigel is not outspoken
But he likes to speak, and he loves to be spoken to (In his work)
Nigel is happy in his work (In his work)
Nigel is happy in his work (In his work)

We're only making plans for Nigel
We only want what's best for him
We're only making plans for Nigel
Nigel just needs this helping hand

And if young Nigel says he's happy
He must be happy
He must be happy

And the fortune cookie says,

Llama will overtake all competitors.

Today is Monday, the 2nd of November 2020.

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