Tuesday, January 02, 2018

ຄັ້ງທີສອງຂອງເດືອນມັງກອນສອງພັນສິບແປດ ...

Today is Tuesday, the 2nd of January 2018.

Hey Folks and Llamas,

looks like we arrived successfully in 2018. No deformations? No permanent damages? We survived Christmas. We survived family. And we will survive the next 365 days – if the Force is lucky and with us just somehow. JSS – Just survive somehow. A whole new year, new joy, new fun.

Winter is here to stay but without snowy landscapes at the moment – at least here in the friendly town by the bay and seaside.

Wind is blowing around my cold nose here on my roof terrace. My eyes are following the river to the grey waters of the ocean leaving Bromford Bridge behind passing the harbour buildings losing themselves at a point in the misty air where a small island must be. That island hosted a prison once and is the location of a small but distinguished hotel nowadays.

I try hard to remember the name of the owner of that hotel. Wasn't there some sort of adventure the Llama and I had in that hotel on the bay island some time ago? I have to try to remember to write down things like that to be able to remember things like that.

Ir called earlier today. She's back in town and tries to get back in contact. Maybe we should meet in that restaurant of that hotel on that island in the bay.

If only I could remember all those names...

Oh yes, this is gonna be a good year.

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