Saturday, January 27, 2018

ម្ភៃប្រាំពីរនៃខែមករាពីរពាន់ - ដប់ប្រាំបី ...

Today is Saturday, the 27th of January 2018.

I walked along the Darkside Park the other day. Do you remember the spot and the bronze statue where Bromford's last polar bear was bludgeoned and slained with a stick all these years ago?

The snow is gone now except some dirty grey heaps on the muddy meadows. They used to be big, funny, fat and round snowmen with smiling faces that children and parents made of giant snowballs, sticks and stones and pieces of charcoal.

But they are skeletons now, scary melting heaps of grey, spikey matter with long, dark sunken eye sockets like black holes starring at you and following everywhere.

I walked faster trying to avoid their looks.

They should be gone by now leaving only scattered sticks and stones and charcoal pieces on the wet ground. But they are still giving me the creeps…

Where have all the snowmen gone?

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