Tuesday, January 16, 2018

1 월 16 일 2 천 1 천 8 ...

Today is Tuesday, the 16th of January 2018. No more no less...

I am still in the simulation. Must be, because I am still standing on my roof deck and no time has passed. It's a chilly winter evening but now snow. Thank goodness, it's not a chili evening. Pun intended? Shouldn't do puns in a language that's not my mother's tongue. I keep my mother's tongue and my father's eyes in a jar by my bed. Bad puns. Bad jokes ...

I am holding the railing and remembrance is aching my head. The island's name is Kirren Island. Kirren Island the former prison in the Bromford bay, now home of the ' North Cothelstone Hall' hotel. Owners are Lady Hesketh-Fortescue and her son Meredith Hesketh-Fortescue. His fiancé Priscilla Molesworth, the cousin of Lord Molesworth-Houghton, husband of her middlest daughter Gwyneth Molesworth, who are owners of the 'Middle Fritham' hotel in Nether Addlethorpe. Her eldest son from her first marriage Jasper Fetherston and his wife Amelie Hollingworth run 'Thrumpton Castle' in South Thoresby. And – is it the third or the fourth hotel or inn in this enumeration? – the house in North Thurston where her sister-in-law Lucinda Satterthwaite and her permanent groom Thomas Thatcham live and work.

Did I establish that Kirren Island once used to be a prison island? Like Azkatraz? Or maybe the prison's name really was Azkatraz? Or still is?

This simulation sucks and hurts my brain.

Time for some nettle tea… Or some coffee?

Dolores, where have you gone?

1 comment:

  1. I, I went to hell, I might as well learn by my mistakes
    I at twenty-four, was insecure, do whatever it takes

    Come on and wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up
    Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up
    It's time, smell the coffee, the coffee
    Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up
    Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up
    This time smell the coffee, the coffee

    She's only got one reason to live
    This is your life
    She's only got one message to give
    Give it tonight

    She's so gorgeous, I'll do anything
    She's so gorgeous, I'll lose everything

    Any day!

    Come on and wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up
    Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up
    It's time, smell the coffee, the coffee

    Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up
    Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up
    It's time, smell the coffee, the coffee

    She's only got one reason to live
    This is your life
    She's only got one message to give
    Give it tonight

    She's so gorgeous, I'll do anything
    She's so gorgeous, I'll lose everything

    She's so gorgeous, I'll do anything
    She's so gorgeous, I'll lose everything


    The Cranberries - Wake Up And Smell The Coffee
