Sunday, January 21, 2018

Жылдын эки-саны-сегиз жыйырма биринчи ...

Today is Sunday, the 21st of January 2018. Three weeks into the new year already…

The simulation is over. Time to close the door to the roof deck. The storm has gone by but there is still snow. When does a storm become an orcan? Is this even an English word? What about twisters and tornadoes?

We have plenty of matches in our house. Right and left shoes. Socks. Sometimes twins are a perfect match. What about attracting opposites? Why do socks fit your right foot on one day and your left foot on the other? And why do shoes not? And what about hurricanes?

Weekend's almost over. Time to put my week-face on.

And Kylo Ren is bus-driver now.

And hey, he's called like the town, too…

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