Friday, December 29, 2017

Quarto decimo septimo Decembris duo milia ...

I sense big changes coming along...

Do you remember the day the cow fell from the sky and crashed the roof of the Bromford Cathedral?

Well, the cow didn't fall exactly out of the blue sky. It fell from a spaceship. From my spaceship. And today I am sitting here waiting for that spaceship to return.

I am waiting for that spaceship to take me home to my planet in the outer rim.

I guess you just believe me when they take you to my planet.

And I can almost here you ask, aren't you the man who kept on praying every day for a life without repeats.

I pray every day for a life without repeats. I pray every day for a life without repeats. I pray every day for a life without repeats.

And now everything is coming back. The Bromford Cathedral, the cow, my alien ancestors, the Llama and my mental problems.

It's to be a very good year...

1 comment:

  1. I had a job, I had a life,
    I had a pretty little house.
    I had some friends, I had a car,
    I was a satisfied one.

    Never thought my life could be,
    Changed to what it's now.
    But it seems like that I'm falling down.

    Every time we spoke about it,
    Every time I talked to you.
    Oh believe me
    I'm so weary now.
    Oh believe me…
    I'm falling down.

    It's now two years ago,
    I had my 'Mars - Attacks',
    Was in a strange mode,
    Far away from here.
    I talked to everyone,
    I lost everything,
    Lost my mind, my face - Oh what have they done?

    It's inside my head.
    It's inside my soul.
    Make for every part being a part of me.
    Oh believe me… I'm falling down.

    I guess you just believe me.
    When they take you to my planet.
    I guess you just believe me.
    When they take you to my planet.
    I guess you just believe me.
    When they take you to my planet…

    Eat No Fish - Believe Me
