Thursday, December 14, 2017

Twenty-four Colours of Bromford - Part 14

"American Dream In Bromford"

Wouldn’t believe it if you told me back then
How far I’ve gotten since I landed in Bromford
I had nothing – I had nothing to lose

I was a rebel without a clue
Just a kid - looking for the truth
I did everything the city told me to do

Feeling the world as it is

Living till it hurts
Rings around my eyes
Smile and sigh
Maybe too much
But not those nights

I could feel it rather ready or not
Some kind of drug that was drumming in my gut
And I would play it till I barely even moved
Could move – Could move – Could move

Living was cheap hell it was almost fucking free
I never thought that I could find a place where I could just be me
And now it - all sounds nostalgic but somehow it still sounds true
Like the world never was

Living till it hurts
Rings around my eyes
Smile and sigh
Feeling that
I’m still on that ride

It’s alright
You’re growing past this

Can’t go back
You haven’t been since

Freedom’s taste
Still upon your tongue
For now

I got an idea growing in my mind
I got a picture taking in my mind
I got a word growing in my mind
I got an image filling up my mind
I got a market growing in my mind
I got a god growing in my mind
I got stocks growing in my mind
I got news rolling in my mind
I got lies festering in my mind
I got roads running through my mind
I got love fucking in my mind
I got books I’m writing in my mind
I got a gun that’s shooting in my mind
I got peace growing in my mind
I got death living in my mind
I got youth staying in my mind
I got YOU


  1. Replies
    1. Ts ts ts...
      Google didn't work for you today, Alphabet doggy?

      Tim Neuhaus - American Dream In BERLIN !!!

      It's BERLIN ... AGAIN...
