Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Twenty-four Colours of Bromford - Part 19

"Bromford Wasn't Built in a Day"

Close your eyes my love
fill your sleep with dreams
words stray endlessly
flow like pouring rain
feel the time go by
till it slaps you in the face
in your corner of the sky
where you leave me
to answer my question
will I miss someone?

Bromford wasn't built in a day
wasn't built in a
Bromford wasn't built in a day
wasn't built in a daaaay

heeey hey hey hey

waiting for the dance
with my best new American friend
as she turns so graciously
to see the state I'm in
but oh how good it feels
to walk away all regrets
now that's something for us to keep
here's something for us now

just like a thousand goodbyes
wipe the tears from your eyes
like I'm losing myself

Bromford wasn't built in a day
wasn't built in a day

oh paitions you've left me
all she said was she never knew me at all

Bromford wasn't built in a day
wasn't built in a day

when she left she left nothing in return

Bromford wasn't built in a day
so I lay my head to rest now

to say it simply
when all escapes me
at the bottom of the sea
I found the love that left me

Bromford wasn't built in a day
wasn't built in a day

oh paitions come easy

Bromford wasn't built in a day
wasn't built in a day

all she said was she never knew me at all

Bromford wasn't built in a day
wasn't built in a day

but when she left she left nothing in return

Bromford wasn't built in a day
wasn't built in a day

wasn't built in a day

nothing in return


  1. Rome. As in Italy or Rome Wisconsin, where they have picket fences?

    1. Rome, Italy?
      And there are also Romes in New York, U.S. of A.
      and Georgia, U.S. of A.
      I think, Bromford is located in the U.S. of A.

    2. Yes... CORRECT !!!
      The Jeremy Days - Rome Wasn't Built In A Day

      And the picket fences... Another part of my to-wath list...

    3. To-watch liste... Not to-wath list... But... since nobody is reading this...

  2. I read it. *gg* By the way, your Santa has arrived
