Saturday, October 01, 2022

W ackys ...

»Nothing happened. What a surprise!«

The llama's mouth is looking like the squeezed one of an unsatisfied frog. Kermit the frog, maybe.

»There are not even blue lights for those arrows. But Mister Bibble must press the elevator walls«, the llama continues.

»If I may add one or two thoughts«, Professor Sideburns says.

I nod in his direction to signal him to go on and ignore the llama's annoyed sounds.

»The hidden message said, Open here, not Press here.«

»Interesting«, Nigel says stroking his non-existing beard.

But what could I possibly open here? I am knocking against the elevator's metallic wall, right next to the buttons on the panel.

»Sounds kind of hollow there«, Kylie says.

»Hollow, smollow«, the llama adds.

There must be a trick, a twist of some kind.

»Would you hold the treasure map for me?« I ask the Professor. »Right here where it is covering the buttons on the panel.«

Now with both hands free I am touching the places the arrows on the map are marking.

»Feels like two hidden flap openings«, I say.

»Very specific, dude«, the llama comments.

Using my fingernails I am opening the flaps upwards… to find… two hidden blue lightened buttons.

»Hallelujah!« the llama remarks.


Today is Saturday, the 1st of October 2022.

Open Hear.

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