Thursday, September 29, 2022

T able-lands …

»Come inside the cabin«, I invite Professor Sideburns, his assistant Kylie, his assistant's assistant Nigel and the animal I like to call the llama.

»Dude, you're telling your stories slower than every highclass tv or streaming series«, the llama complains.

»Ouch, you stepped on my toes, KussKuss«, Nigel is hissing.

»Do something, Bromford«, Kylie whispers, »it's getting tight in here.«

»Well, Professor, dude, what do you think we have to do next?« the llama asks.

»I am not quite sure«, Professor Sideburns we used to call Burnside says.

But the llama snaps back at him, »I wasn't talking to you, professor-dude. I was talking to His Superior Intelligence himself, the genius in Bromford form. Which floor do you want to go to? Which numbers will you press?«

»I will press here…«, I say pointing each of my two index fingers on the arrows at the edges of the rhomboid shape of the treasure map. I am pressing and…

Nothing happens. Nothing happens at all.


Today is Thursday, the 29th of September 2022.

Nothing Happens.

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