Tuesday, August 02, 2022

N acres …

»Where have I seen this shape before?« I ask myself aloud.

»That's a Rhombus«, llama is stating the obvious.

»I think it looks like a diamond«, Kylie says.

»And what does it say? Are those letters?« Nigel jumps excitedly from one leg to the other.

»Letters, obviously«, the llama says.

»What they say? What they say?«

»That's an anagram, obviously«, the llama says and it reads aloud,


»Nice«, Nigel says, »It's a riddle. Why does a hen need a pen? What does a hen with a pen? Why is a hen like a pen?«

»Where did you see the second N?« Kylie asks. »There are no two Ns, but three E.«

Professor Sideburns shakes his head.

»It it not as complicated as that. The letters arranged in shape of a Rhombus…«

»Or a diamond«, Kylie adds.

»Or a diamond«, the professor agrees, »these letters form the words


»Boring«, Nigel says.

»I prefer hens and pens«, the llama says.

»Do you all see the arrows added to the message?« Professor Sideburns asks. »I think they are pointing…«

»Left and right, left and right«, the llama crows.

»I think they are pointing in directions where one can find something to do or to see that brings you closer to the hidden treasure. This pergamentic paper can be used like some kind of templet and following the arrows we will find some loose stones we will have to remove or buttons we will have to press or…«

»Or more riddles«, Nigel says.

»What's a templet?« the llama wants to know.

»A lot of bullshit, if you want my opinion«, Nigel says.

»Nigel!« Kylie says.

And all this time my mind is circling around this one question where I could have seen a diamond or Rhombus shape like this before.



Today is Tuesday, the 2nd of August 2022.

No image captions today.

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