Tuesday, June 07, 2022

E agernesses …

»You know, that green treasure map of yours«, Claude Sideburns, the llama used to call Burnside, says, »it kind of reminds me of an old archeologists' tale.«

»Tail, smail, my ass«, the llama says but the professor starts to speak.

»It was some nine-hundert of centuries ago that the people of Greenolion - a green island covered in rainforests right in the middle of the east-western seas - started to praise Uyulila, the great-great goddess of the deep-deep dark. To get near to her they started digging a deeper hole than the deepest hole ever digged. But they dug too deep and awoke the sleeping Fire Beast that spit fiery magma from the underground. And lava crawled all across over Greenolion covering every tree and house and temple, almost all humans and animals, almost all life.«

I turn around the pages of the Bromford Tribune. Oh, it's fairy-tale-time, I think, keeping on reading.

»But the only surviours kept on digging and digging, deeper and deeper. And even after weeks and months and years they did not find their goddess . And Yuyulila did not come to their rescue. But Flooduloo -god of all seas and lakes and oceans - came to put out the burning island. And so Greenolion drowned in the troubled waters of the east-western seas.«

An article in the newspaper catches my eyes.

»Looks like my llama just bit Ted Kennedy.«

The llama is not amused.

»I am not your llama, dude«, it cries out. »And who the frick is Ted Kennedy?«

»It was some six of decades ago that a man called John Fitzgerald Kennedy was elected president of the United States of America«, Professor Sideburns begins. »And this J.F. Kennedy had a brother called Edward Moore or 'Ted' Kennedy who…«

»Hold it, Burnside!« the llama shouts out. »I don't care about the Kennedys. What about the green treasure map? Will it show us the way to submerged Greenolion and all its' wealthes and riches?«

»No«, Sideburns says buffled. »I just said the map reminded me of that old tale. It will lead us to the long lost City of Gold, didn't I mention that?«

»I will keep the newspaper«, I say.

»To wrap up some fish, dude?« asks the llama in a most poisonous way.

»No«, I reply, »to clean the windows and glass doors later.«


Today is Tuesday, the 7th of June 2022.

The Island of Greenolion

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