Saturday, September 08, 2018

Professor Los Tin Tim E …

Today is Saturday, the 8th of September 2018 ...

I am wearing beige these days. I am dressed in beige from head to toes. Beige shirt, beige trousers, beige sandshoes. Sometimes I even wear a beige base-cap. We beige people should hide our heads and hairs. That is what the leaders say. Saluh Salah Sahnd is the greatest of them all. The cult moved in on the first floor of 666 Whitaker Lane and they pinned their posters and slogans all over the walls of the ground floor covering even the cellar door.


Do I understand that message? It is hard to tell these days.

Did you know that Harry Houdini disappeared one Halloween night and was never ever seen again since then? Saluh Salah Sahnd says we will see him again sometime soon. And that I should get rid of that llama.