Friday, September 02, 2016

Mice, maize, mealies…

And again I am living my paranoias…

I am afraid of corn fields – not the friendly, dry and at the end of summer yellow grain or cereal ones but the hostile green ones with their big yellowish corn cobs that always remind me of the grinning teeth of a skeleton.

But maybe my use of the word corn is too European. I am talking about Indian corn or maize as it may be called correctly. And maize is an invader. Who brought it home to Europe from America - The New World? Christopher Columbus himself? The great discoverer who falsely took Indiana for India or America for something completely different? The greatest discoverer of the world who only repeated what the Vikings did many, many years before him?

And now corn is growing everywhere and the local European animals are starving because they cannot eat it. And popcorn is only a natural kind of Styrofoam.

We are living in a world of creepy corn fields and labyrinths. Nobody knows what is hiding inside.

Did you know that the German word for maize or Indian corn sounds like the English word "mice"?

Yes, I am talking about our little grey and furry friends with their sharp teeth and their little black needle head eyes. The beady-eyed mice have a plan. They will overthrow us. They will make us fall…


Maybe, it's time to think about a new paranoia again.

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