Monday, September 26, 2016

Blind Date…

* Nice to meet you. Who are you?

# My name is Bromford Bibble. And you don't
know what it's like when you come home
from a long day's work to find your llama
hairing in the shower.

* Hairing?

# Yes. You know like losing a lot of hair and to
block the drains.

* Well, I am not quite sure whether that is a real
and existing English word. What do you do for
a living in your long days of work?

# Oh, I'm a musician.

* Oh, a musician. That's interesting. How
exciting. Do you play an instrument? Are you a
singer? What kind of music do you do?

# Well, maybe musician was the wrong word.
Maybe I am a physician.

* Oh, well a scientist. Physics. That's kind of
interesting, too. What is your area of
expertise? Quantum physics? Space and time

# I said physician, not physicist.

* So, you are a doctor?

# Oh, you are giving me such a headache. Stop
talking. Stop asking me all those silly
questions. They are confusing me. If you want
to know the truth; I am always between two
jobs. But if you really want to call me
something call me the Great Repeater. That's
what I do for a living. I repeat myself.

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