Friday, July 24, 2009

How I Met My Mother...

Every time I asked my Mum and Dad from whom I inherited my water pale eyes and my white skin they told me it ran in the family generations and generations ago for they had dark eyes, skin and hair.

They kept telling me that lie until that day my Dad answered my question by singing an old Genesis song.

"You're no son, you're no son of mine."

Imagine my surprise when my Mum joined the chorus when I turned to her.

"You're no son, you're no son of mine."

That was where and when the search for my Mum began. But how I finally met her is another story which should be told another time.

But the search for my mother ended here as well because none of this ever happened. Nothing ever happens. Nothing happens at all.


Und in fünf Monaten ist Weihnachten...

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