Sunday, March 10, 2024

Bromford and Cat ...


»Good day, young man. What do you do for a living?«

An elderly woman in a black business costume with tied back grey hair is standing at the door of my penthouse above the fifteenth floor of the apartment house on 666, Whitaker Lane in Bromford, the friendly town by the bay and seaside. A big leather sales suitcase is standing next to her.

»How did you get up here?« I am asking. »Is Mario or Luigi our concierge or janitor ill or on vacation?«

Oh, why did I guess a posh building like this had a glorified doorman?« the woman is whispering more to herself.

»Well, young man, a nice animal let me in.«

Her smile is getting brighter.

»Hi, there!«

The llama comes jumping across the gravel of the roof-terrace from the staircase, squeezing by into the penthouse.

»Living«, I say.

»I beg your pardon?« the woman says.

»That's what I do for a living. Living. And stop calling me young man. We all know that you are here to sell something and that I am not a young man anymore.«

The woman is straightening her hairdo before she is bending down to open her suitcase. I can see a bunch of thick hardcover books inside.

»That's nice«, the woman says. »But everybody's has got a hole to fill. Maybe I can interest you in our latest series of the bible encyclopedia? Twelve volumes for the price of thirteen for a start and every three months a new volume. All new with colourful pictures every few pages. Jesus, he knows you, young man, you know? And maybe later this month you can come and visit us in the classrooms of our clubhouse next to the Bromford Cathedrale and we can talk about God.«

»No, thank you«, I say starting to close the door. »I hope you find your way down to the street and out of the house. Have a nice day.«

I return to the living-room.

The llama has fastened the hammock in one corner of the room, again, and is swinging slighty from side to side.

»Well«, the animal is grinning. »What do you do for a living, Bromford Bibble? I think we need to talk about God.«

»Ah, shut up, animal!« I say. »And I am still looking for a new companion, you know.«

»Forget it«, the llama says. »You are not a cats' person and you know it.«


Today is Sunday, the 10th of March 2024.

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