Tuesday, February 28, 2023

S ackings …

Dancing in circles around and around - only one sole circle actually.
Dancing in circles around and around sinking in the ground.

The sheep's chant and dance is kind of hypnotical.

Suddenly a dirty pick-up truck with a raised ramp and a fenced cargo bed enters the yard of Brompton Castle, honking loudly.


»Oh, look«, Hildegard shouts out, »it's Farmer Farnsworth and his boys, Fenton and Frampton.«

»Finally«, Claude Sideburns remarks.

And while the Farmer and his sons are chasing one sheep after the other from the dancing circle up the ramp to the loading area of the pick-up with their eager shepherd dogs from the middle of the muddy circle in the yard a black sheep rises slowly.

Its' bleating is a deep, bassy sound - and it is carrying a sign.


Gilbert the butler has opened one of the windows now that Farmer Farnsworth has closed the fence around the cargo bed again and is heading back to the pick-up's driver's seat.

»Don't forget the black one, Friedward!«

Farmer Farnsworth is turning around to Brompton Castle and looking at the sheep with the sign that is approaching the building and the library windows with strange little side-steps.

»Not one of mine«, the Farmer shouts. »Never seen that beast before.«

And in kind of a hurry he jumps into the truck, slams the door shut and drives away quickly.

»That is kind of peculiar«, the llama says rubbing its' chin against one of the windowsills.

Red eyes are looking at me from a curly, woolen face as I am returning the sheep's look.

»What does the sign say?« Nigel asks.

»The sign says«, Kylie reads,



Today is Tuesday, the 28th of February 2023.

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