Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Longer Worries …


How Fear Came - The King's Ankus

'Can we go home now?' the llama asks, the animal-llama not the sleepy llama girl.

I wish the animal would stop rollings its' eyes.

'You mentioned the llama girl', the llama says. 'Looks like you are not done with the house on Number 17, Prune Alley. Are there more inhabitants you want to mention?'

Seems like I am mentioning a lot.

Centipede is living in the attic. He is a small insect with a hundred if not a thousand feet and a strong light-allergy. But he likes to collect burned out lightbulbs he likes to keep in old felt slippers he found in shoe-boxes in the attic. The attic is full of old shoe-boxes with felt slippers.

'Excuse me.'

This bald-headed guy in his checked suit and vest is Director Mouthwipe, the owner of the house on Number 17, Prune Alley, and managing director of the biggest brewery in town.

'These felt slippers were one of the last business ideas of my late father, Director Mouthwipe, senior. And it was not a very successful business idea.'

'He is our landlord, doodle', Marianne the doodle-hen squeaks. 'Who, doodle, will, doodle, pay the, doodle, rent? I cannot sell any eggs because I, doodle, doodle, doodle, didn't, doodle, lay any.'

'Did you know', asks Captain Knaak, the old seadog, 'that the Brothers Peastone are not only male twins but very pale twins? That's because they are inventing inventions in their laboratory in the cellar all days and all nights long.'

And the fortune cookie says,

Don't worry about money.
The best things in life are free.

Today is Tuesday, the 2nd of February 2021.  


This story, the protagonist thinks, is more than inspired by ideas of the squatters' scene of the late nineteen-sixties, early nineteen-seventies. Keep on grooving, groovy groovers.

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