Monday, February 08, 2021

Longer Llamas Repeated …

I Live Here Now - The Further Adventures of Toad

'What are you doing llama?'

That is a very stupid question, I know, for the animal is looking out of the window of the living room in our penthouse, the little house on the rooftop above the fifteenth floor of the skyscraping apartement building on 666 Whitaker in Bromford, the friendly town by the bay and seaside.

'Rain spotting', the llama answers.

'But that is no rain', I say. 'It is winter. That is snow you are looking at. It is snowing, animal.'

'No', the animal says, 'that cannot be right. It must be rain. They said it might never snow again in Bromford, you know? That is what they call global warning.'

'Warming', I say.


'It is called global warming, not global warning.'

'See, I am still rain spotting because of the global warning', the animal says, turns away from the window and makes a few steps heading towards the kitchen. 'And it is boring. Another cup of tea, dear?'

'I beg you pardon, dear gentlemen. I am just a simple girl from a simple family and I lost my family at an early age, so I am also a poor orphan…'

That is the polite but narcoleptic llama girl from the house at the end of the street on Number 17, Prune Alley, coming into the room from the hallway. And she is doing what she can do best … falling asleep and walking backwards back to the apartement door where she came from.

'So it is not over', the animal says … yawning.

And the fortune cookie says,

Mothers have the answer for everything.

Today is Monday, the 8th of February 2021.


The protagonist is bored.

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