Monday, February 22, 2021

Longer Statues …

Laura Is the One - The Book of Kevin

It is Monday, again.

'Who is Laura? And who are Nora and Kevin?'

I am crouching in front of the trash cans talking to the the one with the shady shaking lid.

'I do not know what you are talking about, animal', I say. 'But I would like to tell you a story.'

'A Story?'

'Yes, a story about Doctor Struggles, your veterinarian.

 Doctor Struggles is a little man who likes to invent things. He must be little, because some of his animal friends are the same height as him. He lives in a house in the country and is always considerate about others and their feelings. He will always help them out and will even go to the ends of the earth, or space, to help them. Yes, Doctor Struggles has even invented a Rocket Ship out of wood and pots and pans, which he has named 'Dreamy Boom Boom' (I think he must have been on magic mushrooms to come up with a name like this). He was most concerned when his Treacle Tree flew off into space and had got lost, so he went to find him, once he'd fuelled the ship up with tea!   If you think of unbelievable things, then Doctor Struggles would have done them. He visits strange lands, such as The Land of the Terrible Horrendous Snarky Quark, where everything is made out of rock and it even rains rocks.'

'Don't be ridiculous, dude.'

'I am not. Will you come out of hiding now, animal?'

'I do not think so!'

And the fortune cookie says,

Don't strive for happiness - create it.

Today is Monday, the 22nd of February 2021


And the protagonist thinks, a protagonist has to protagonize to become protagon.

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