Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Longer Answers …

International Assassin - The Friendliest Place on Earth

'Llama, what is wrong with you?'

The llama is lying in the hammock in its' room. Did I mention that the animal has got a hammock in its' room in the penthouse on the top above the fifteenth floor of the apartement building on 666 Whitaker Lane in Bromford, the friendly town by the bay and seaside? Well, if not, it has got a hammock hanging in its' room in the penthouse on the top above the fifteenth floor of the apartement building on 666 Whitaker Lane in Bromford, the friendly town by the bay and seaside,

'I am not feeling too good', the llama whispers with a blanket pulled up to its' nose. 'My toes are aching. My teeth, too. And I see pixies flying under the ceiling.'

I look up at once. There is only a white painted ceiling, no pixies.

'This is the virus, don't you think so, dude?'

'No', I say. 'I do not think it is the virus. But I think it is time to make an appointment with your pet veterinary. You are overdue for your annual check-up.'

'NO!' the llama cries out. 'IT IS NOT TIME FOR THE PET CEMETARY!'

'Oh', I say to myself backing away out of the room. 'Looks like it is also time for a hearing test. I will have to call Doctor Struggles at once.'

And the fortune cookie says,

KussKuss, love will show you the way.

Today is Wednesday, the 10th of Februrary 2021.


The protagonist is starring at the computer screen. That is what they are doing now, he asks himself, visiting a doctor? If you have got no ideas tell your viewers, readers or listeners about diseases and cures, doctors and nurses. Or send them to jail or court and tell them about lawyers and judges in law suits. Has that blockblog gone this low?

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