Sunday, February 28, 2021

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 145

Today is Sunday, the 28th of February 2021.

Honey badgers are the sheep of the northterranian territories.

Just think about it. 


"My Bromford"


I'm small and I'm tired

I'm blurred to bits and wired

I'm nothing in this universe

Nothing but pieces of dust


Appearing in more repeats

The mirror man has seen defeat

Hide away, be old and gray

Alfred. J. Prufrock would be proud of me


Keep it together, hold it together

Keep it together, hold it together


Little someone in my own little Bromford

Sleep so heavy that it's out of the question

Little someone in my own little Bromford

Wake up and pour myself another ice-breaker


Going now so happy and so loose

Making bigger holes in my stomach

Losing, losing split down the middle

With no end and no beginning


I'm small and I'm tired

I'm blurred to bits and wired

I'm nothing in this universe

Nothing but pieces of dust


Keep it together, hold it together

Keep it together, hold it together


Little someone in my own little Bromford

Sleep so heavy that it's out of the question

Little someone in my own little Bromford

Wake up and pour myself another ice-breaker


Keep it together, hold it together

Keep it together, hold it together


Little someone in my own little Bromford

Sleep so heavy that it's out of the question

Little someone in my own little Bromford

Wake up and pour myself another ice-breaker

Ice-breaker, ice-breaker, ice-breaker, hello




Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Longer Happiness …

Laura's Secret Diary - The Black Widow

OK, Campers, rise and shine!

Don't forget your booties.

It's cold out there!

It's cold out there every day!

Is this Miami Beach?

Not hardly!

Expect hazardous travel later today with that blizzard thing.

That blizzard thing.

Here's the report.

The National Weather Service is calling for a big blizzard thing.

There's another reason today's especially exciting…

Especially cold.

The big question on everybody's lips…

Their chapped lips.

On their chapped lips.

Will Phil come out and see his shadow?

Punxsutawney Phil!

That's right, woodchuck chuckers!


Get up and chuck me a hog!

Welcome to Punxsutawney - The Original Weather Capitol Of The World since 1887

'You are 22 days too late, dude!' the the shady shaking trash bin lid says. 'Groundhog day was on February, 2nd. Today is February, 24th.'

'Are you going to come out of that trash bin today, animal?'

'Probability of that is 3.9 percent. And I am predicting March 21st as start of spring this year.'

Sometimes…, I think not following that thought further down the road.

And the fortune cookie says,

Wear two right shoes
and you will always take a step in the right direction.

Today is Wednesday, the 24th of February 2021.


Phil? Hey! Phil? Phil? Phil Connors? Phil Connors! I thought that was you! Don't you tell me you don't remember me. I sure as heckfire remember you, the protagonist thinks. And he sings,

And put your little hand in mine
There ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb

I got you babe
I got you babe

Monday, February 22, 2021

Longer Statues …

Laura Is the One - The Book of Kevin

It is Monday, again.

'Who is Laura? And who are Nora and Kevin?'

I am crouching in front of the trash cans talking to the the one with the shady shaking lid.

'I do not know what you are talking about, animal', I say. 'But I would like to tell you a story.'

'A Story?'

'Yes, a story about Doctor Struggles, your veterinarian.

 Doctor Struggles is a little man who likes to invent things. He must be little, because some of his animal friends are the same height as him. He lives in a house in the country and is always considerate about others and their feelings. He will always help them out and will even go to the ends of the earth, or space, to help them. Yes, Doctor Struggles has even invented a Rocket Ship out of wood and pots and pans, which he has named 'Dreamy Boom Boom' (I think he must have been on magic mushrooms to come up with a name like this). He was most concerned when his Treacle Tree flew off into space and had got lost, so he went to find him, once he'd fuelled the ship up with tea!   If you think of unbelievable things, then Doctor Struggles would have done them. He visits strange lands, such as The Land of the Terrible Horrendous Snarky Quark, where everything is made out of rock and it even rains rocks.'

'Don't be ridiculous, dude.'

'I am not. Will you come out of hiding now, animal?'

'I do not think so!'

And the fortune cookie says,

Don't strive for happiness - create it.

Today is Monday, the 22nd of February 2021


And the protagonist thinks, a protagonist has to protagonize to become protagon.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 144

Today is Sunday, the 21st of February 2021.

Sparrows envy honey badgers because they can badge honey.

Just think about it.

"Mon amour Bromford"







































Saturday, February 20, 2021

Longer Downs …

Just One More to Fill the Gaps - The Book of Nora

'Llama, where are you?'

I am searching the neighbourhood of Doctor Struggles' vet-office.

'Come out, come out, wherever you are.'

No sign of the animal after it has fled the Doctor's office earlier this week.

'You don't have to be afraid of Doctor Struggles', I say. 'It was all a misunderstanding and just a joke. No animals were harmed while making this blockblog. The nice white poodle lady we met in the waiting room is alright. She did not dicease in surgery.'

One of the trash cans in the shady corner is shaking.


Maybe a little song will bring it out of its' hiding place.

”Doctor Struggles, friend of the animal world.
Doctor Struggles, dreaming of better Tomorrows

Doctor Struggles, you'd better start working today

Doctor Struggles, flying away to the stars
Doctor Struggles, finding a path to the rainbow
Doctor Struggles, build us a clever machine”

And the fortune cookie says,

Be nice to pigeons.
One day a statue will be put up for you.

Today is Saturday, the 20th of February 2021.

And the protagonist thinks,
singing will do no good here
will they give me something to do soon?
I really need to protagon.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Longer Love …

It's a Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt World - The Condemned Woman


'Nurse! Scalpel! Swab! Pliers! Trash can!'

We are sitting in the waiting room of Doctor Struggles' veterinarian office.

Trash can?

I can see a panicing question on the llama's face.

OMG! What happened to the nice little poodle lady who entered the examination room only quarter of an hour ago?

The nurse opens the door to the examination room and says, 'The next in line, please.'

As I look around there is only an empty space where the llama sat only the blink of an eye ago.

And the fortune cookie says,

Bromford, someone is looking up at you.
Don't let this person down.

Today is Tuesday, the 16th of February 2021.



And the protagonist thinks,

Doctor Struggles, friend of the animal world.
Doctor Struggles, dreaming of better Tomorrows.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 143

Today is Sunday, the 14th of February 2021.

If cows learned to fly it is because they looked too long at sparrows.

Think about it.

"Bromford Groove"

Many years since I was here
On the street I was passin' my time away
To the left and to the right
Buildings towering to the sky
It's outta sight
In the dead of night

Here I am, and in this city
With a fistful of dollars
And baby, you'd better believe

I'm back, back in the Bromford groove
I'm back, back in the Bromford groove
I'm back, back in the Bromford groove
Back, in the Bromford groove
In the Bromford groove

In the back of my Cadillac
A wicked lady sittin' by my side sayin', "Where are we?"
Stop at third and forty-three
Exit to the night
It's gonna be ecstacy
This place was meant for me

I feel so good tonight
Who cares about tomorrow
So baby, you'd better believe

I'm back, back in the Bromford groove
I'm back, back in the Bromford groove
I'm back, back in the Bromford groove
Back, in the Bromford groove
In the Bromford groove

I'm back, back in the Bromford groove
I'm back, back in the Bromford groove
I'm back, back in the Bromford groove
I'm back, back in the Bromford groove

I'm back, back in the Bromford groove
I'm back, back in the Bromford groove
I'm back, back in the Bromford groove
I'm back, back in the Bromford groove

I'm back, back in the Bromford groove
I'm back, back in the Bromford groove

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Longer Answers …

International Assassin - The Friendliest Place on Earth

'Llama, what is wrong with you?'

The llama is lying in the hammock in its' room. Did I mention that the animal has got a hammock in its' room in the penthouse on the top above the fifteenth floor of the apartement building on 666 Whitaker Lane in Bromford, the friendly town by the bay and seaside? Well, if not, it has got a hammock hanging in its' room in the penthouse on the top above the fifteenth floor of the apartement building on 666 Whitaker Lane in Bromford, the friendly town by the bay and seaside,

'I am not feeling too good', the llama whispers with a blanket pulled up to its' nose. 'My toes are aching. My teeth, too. And I see pixies flying under the ceiling.'

I look up at once. There is only a white painted ceiling, no pixies.

'This is the virus, don't you think so, dude?'

'No', I say. 'I do not think it is the virus. But I think it is time to make an appointment with your pet veterinary. You are overdue for your annual check-up.'

'NO!' the llama cries out. 'IT IS NOT TIME FOR THE PET CEMETARY!'

'Oh', I say to myself backing away out of the room. 'Looks like it is also time for a hearing test. I will have to call Doctor Struggles at once.'

And the fortune cookie says,

KussKuss, love will show you the way.

Today is Wednesday, the 10th of Februrary 2021.


The protagonist is starring at the computer screen. That is what they are doing now, he asks himself, visiting a doctor? If you have got no ideas tell your viewers, readers or listeners about diseases and cures, doctors and nurses. Or send them to jail or court and tell them about lawyers and judges in law suits. Has that blockblog gone this low?

Monday, February 08, 2021

Longer Llamas Repeated …

I Live Here Now - The Further Adventures of Toad

'What are you doing llama?'

That is a very stupid question, I know, for the animal is looking out of the window of the living room in our penthouse, the little house on the rooftop above the fifteenth floor of the skyscraping apartement building on 666 Whitaker in Bromford, the friendly town by the bay and seaside.

'Rain spotting', the llama answers.

'But that is no rain', I say. 'It is winter. That is snow you are looking at. It is snowing, animal.'

'No', the animal says, 'that cannot be right. It must be rain. They said it might never snow again in Bromford, you know? That is what they call global warning.'

'Warming', I say.


'It is called global warming, not global warning.'

'See, I am still rain spotting because of the global warning', the animal says, turns away from the window and makes a few steps heading towards the kitchen. 'And it is boring. Another cup of tea, dear?'

'I beg you pardon, dear gentlemen. I am just a simple girl from a simple family and I lost my family at an early age, so I am also a poor orphan…'

That is the polite but narcoleptic llama girl from the house at the end of the street on Number 17, Prune Alley, coming into the room from the hallway. And she is doing what she can do best … falling asleep and walking backwards back to the apartement door where she came from.

'So it is not over', the animal says … yawning.

And the fortune cookie says,

Mothers have the answer for everything.

Today is Monday, the 8th of February 2021.


The protagonist is bored.

Sunday, February 07, 2021

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 142

Today is Sunday, the 7th of February 2021.

Cats like to hang out with cows who flew over the moon in pale nights with pale lights.


The cause is Ozymandian
The map of Bromfordian
Is sanded and bevelled
The land lone and levelled
By some unrecorded and powerful hand

Which plays along the monument
And drums upon a plastic bag
The brave-men-and-women-so-dear-to-God-
And-famous-to-all-of-the-ages rag

Sing: Do you love me?
Will you remember?
The snow falls above me
The renderer renders:
The event is in the hand of God

Beneath a patch of grass, her
Bones the old Dutch master hid
While elsewhere Tobias
And the angel disguise
What the scholars surmise was a mother and kid

Interred with other daughters
In dirt in other potter's fields
Above them, parades
Mark the passing of days
Through parks where pale colonnades arch in marble and steel

Where all of the twenty-thousand attending your footfall
And the cause that they died for are lost in the idling bird calls
And the records they left are cryptic at best
Lost in obsolescence
The text will not yield, nor x-ray reveal
With any fluorescence
Where the hand of the master begins and ends

I fell, I tried to do well but I won't be
Will you tell the one that I loved to remember and hold me
I call and call for the doctor
But the snow swallows me whole with ol' Florry Walker
And the event lives only in print

He said:
"It's alright, and it's all over now"
And boarded the plane
His belt unfastened
The boy was known to show unusual daring
And, called a "boy"
This alderman, confounding Tammany Hall
In whose employ King Tamanend himself preceded John’s fall

So we all raise a standard
To which the wise and honest soul may repair
To which a hunter
A hundred years from now, may look and despair
And see with wonder
The tributes we have left to rust in the park
Swearing that our hair stood on end
To see John Purroy Mitchel depart
For the Western Front
Where work might count
All exeunt! All go out!
Await the hunter, to decipher the stone
(and what lies under, now)
The city is gone

Look and despair
Look and despair

Saturday, February 06, 2021

Longer Money …

Hunting-Song of the Seeonee Pack - The Garveys at Their Best

Life is like an oyster - slimy and there's not always a pearl in it.

This picture is hanging crooked.

And the fortune cookie says,

The llama is very much loved. 
Do not worry!

Today is Saturday, the 6th of February 2021.


And the protagonist thinks …