Saturday, August 29, 2020

Longer Nets …

Angutivun Taina - What Story is That, Charlie?

'Who is Charlie, animal?' I ask. 'Is that another animal in our apartment house?'

'I do not you who Charlie is, dude', the animal replies. 'It is you who is including these cryptical messages in your own blog-posts.'

'Talking about messages …

We're only making plans for Nigel
We only want what's best for him
We're only making plans for Nigel
Nigel just needs that helping hand

And if young Nigel says he's happy 
He must be happy
He must be happy
He must be happy in his work

We're only making plans for Nigel
He has this future in a British steel
We're only making plans for Nigel
Nigel's whole future is as good as sealed, yeah

And if young Nigel says he's happy

'OK, dude.' The animal seems to be kind of annoyed. 'I got it. You are not talking about Kylie's son Nigel here. These are the lyrics to a song by some three-letter band from the early 80s. I just do not understand why you do not give us the whole lyrics at once like you usually do it.'

'Do not ask me', I say. 'I drink and I know things, but I'm a drinker, not a fighter. Let's talk about Lieutenant Barclay James Harvest for a change.'

'What Lieutenant?' the llama asks. 'Are you into military now, dude?'

'No, animal', I say. 'I am into Star Trek and obscure English progressive rock bands from the late 60s. But not really. I was just playing around with names. What story is that, Charlie?'

The llama is only a sigh.

'TENNET - the movie that will save and rescue cinema itself!'

'TennT - the electricity transmission system operator in the Netherlands and in a large part of Germany? That TenneT?' the llama asks.

'Stop using my smartphone to search for facts to comment on my typos, animal,' I say. 'We are talking about entropies and inversion here. And maybe also about palindromes.'

'Madam, I'm Adam', the llama says. 'Come to an end Bromford Bibble. Try to wrap this up. Say goodbye, Bromford Bibble.'

And I say, 'Goodbye, Bromford Bibble.'

And the fortune cookie says,

Mark the demands red.

No here is what it really says,

Pay attention to any good advice
that is given to you.

Today is Saturday, the 29th of August 2020.

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