Sunday, August 23, 2020

Longer Dogs …

 A Song of Kabir - Wounds and Scars

* The Dog is not at home.

- What dog, animal?

* The Dog, dude!

- Is this about the wannabe running
gag killing a dog in every blockblog


* No, this is about the Dog and his
apartment 13 on the eighth floor.

- Are you serious? What is going on here?
A hippo in the basement and a
dog on the eighth floor? Has 666
Whitaker Lane become an animal
farm now?

* I prefer to call it an animal shelter,

dude. Homeless kittens in the
elevator shaft.

- The elevator that is still broken?

* More Ning has broken.

- What?

* Do you know the musician Fish?

- A fish as musician? What instrument
is it playing? The trombone? Or is it singing?
Is it a singing fish?

* I like you sliding slightly into

nonsense, dude. No, I am talking
about Mr. Dick.

 - Mr. Dick? Frowny, frowny…

 * Yes, Derek William Dick and his
album Raingods With Hippos.

 - Make it Raindogs With Hippos,

 * For the joke?

 - For the same.

 * Ever seen a hippo climb a tree?

 - No? Did you?

 * Yes, hunting for and eating leaves.

 - Really?

 * Really, really.

 - Cool, cool, cool!

 Today is Sunday, the 23rd of August 2020.

 My greatest wish is a fish.


And the fortune cookie says,


Think about
whether your demands on yourself

are not too high.


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