Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Drive Corners…

'How is Kylie?' I ask the llama. 'Haven't heard of her in a while.'

'She is hiding, I think', the llama says. 'Last thing I heard was she went to see this Harry guy.'

'Harry?' I ask. 'The one who saved her from that Heinz guy last time?'

'The exact guy', the llama says. 'But she thinks him of less help since he became a pacifistic tree-hugging kind of guy. He has now become a Buddhist and adopted a policy of non-violent response to violence, as he says. And this would make protecting Kylie again a difficult task.'

'I see', I say. 'And what can we do?'

'Protect Kylie and her secret hyding place, I guess', the llama says. 'And be really very carefull.'

The llama turns over to the next page of the newspaper it is reading.

'Oh, look', it says. 'Someone has stolen a pair of penguins from the Bromford zoo.'

'A pair of…', I say. 'You mean two of them?'

'Yes, two of them', the llama says. 'You have always been the smartest candle on this birthday cake.'

I am ignoring the animal. 'Penguins in Bromford? Where have I heard this before?'

Today is Tuesday, the 3rd of September 2019.

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