Sunday, September 29, 2019


- It's late. It's Sunday.
And I have nothing to tell and say.

# We all know that.

- Llamas on a Sunday is like...
Ah, forget about it.

Today is Sunday, the 29th of September 2019.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 78

Today is Friday, the 27th of September 2019.

The sky is undecided. Rain or shine? And there it is... THE RAINBOW.
And it ends right between the two cell towers...
Give me my pot of gold and my daily dose of electrical pollution...


Don't you cherish me to sleep
Never keep your eyelids clipped
Hold me for the pops and clicks
I was only for the father's crib

Hair, old, long along
Your neck onto your shoulder blades
Always keep that message taped
Cross your breasts you won't erase
I was only for your very space

Hip, under nothing
Propped up by your other one, face 'way from the sun
Just have to keep a dialogue
Teach our bodies: haunt the cause
I was only trying to spell a loss

Joy, it's all founded
Pincher with the skin inside
You pinned me with your black sphere eyes
You know that all the rope's untied
I was only for to die beside

So itʼs storming on the lake
Little waves our bodies break

There's a fire going out
But there's really nothing to the south

Swollen orange and light let through
Your one piece swimmer stuck to you

Sold, I'm Ever
Open ears and open eyes
Wake up to your starboard bride
Who goes in and then stays inside
Oh the demons come, they can subside

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Friday, September 20, 2019

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 77

Today is Friday, the 20th of September 2019.

- I am a 21st Century Schizoid Man.

# And what is new about that, dude?

- Nothing, animal. Absolutely nothing at all.


Sivan from Brooklyn is staring at her space grey iPhone
looking for the Rua da Glória
while Josh is in an Uber heading downtown
he's gonna meet her at the airb'n'b

and it's raining in Lisbon
down on the streetlights, the bakeries and tram cars
and I'm just waiting for my ticket
to take me back to where I can see the night stars

Dragging your suitcase down cobblestone streets
the wheels they make a terrible sound
checking directions on Google maps
it's a normal Thursday evening in a tourist town, but ..

I'm going back, I'm going home to Bromford
so put the kettle on and meet me at the front door, love
cause I'm heading out I'm diggin' deep down inside
I've had enough of the global travellers

Tom from Newcastle is on a Ryan Air flight
that cost less than the Starbucks coffee he had at the airport in London
and it‘s so lonely in Barcelona
but just like the folks at Plata Bar he's only passing thru

Trawling his Pierre Cardin's down cobblestone streets
the wheels they make a terrible sound
he's posting pictures on his Instagram feed
it's just a normal Friday nite in this tourist town, so ..

I'm going back, I'm going home to Bromford
so put the kettle on and meet me at the front door, love
cause I'm heading out I'm going deep down inside
I'm so tired of the digital nomads

I'm driving back, I'm going home to Bromford
so leave the kettle on and meet me at the front door, love
cause I'm heading home I'm going deep down inside
I've had enough of the global travellers.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

enter ... HEADLINE ... here

Remember, remember,
that night in September,

Bonfires in the damp street canyons of Bromford 
emitting smoke and orange sparks in the night.

Atumn is here.
Was never gone.
Autumn in my heart.

I don't like the new order.
Monday --> Wednesday

Always to soon ...

Monday, September 16, 2019

Feeling down when…

… autumn has come.

Well, not really.

It is Monday. It is cold and it is raining.

Must be autumn. The llama is getting colourful and losing all its' leaves.

'Leaves?' the llama asks. 'I ain't no plant. I don't have any leaves. And the colour is a hair dye. Just trying something new.'

Today is Monday, the 16th of September 2019.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Promenades …

'Today is the last night of the proms', the llama says.

'Tonight', I whisper.

'WHAAAT?' the animal shouts.

'Never mind', I whisper.

'Poor American teenagers', the llama says. 'No more proms.'

'American teenagers?' I ask. 'What do American teenagers have to do with the Last Night of the Proms?'

'Come on, dude', the animal says. 'Don't you watch American TV series? Every popular American TV series has at least one episode about a prom night. You know? A prom like in a formal social event – usually a dance – generally held near the end of the last two years of high school in the United States of America. Last night of the proms means no more fancy dresses, no more tuxedos, no more flower bouquets, no more limos and no more hard alcohol in the fruit punchbowl.'

'Oh, I see', I say. 'Those are not the Proms we are talking about when we are talking about the Last Night of the Proms.'

'Whaaat?' the llama says. 'There is more than one kind of proms?'

'Tonight is the Last Night of the Proms', I say. 'The Proms is an eight-week summer season of daily orchestral classical music concerts and other events held annually, predominantly in the Royal Albert Hall in central London, Great Britain. Prom is short for Promenade Concert, a term which originally referred to outdoor concerts in London's pleasure gardens, where the audience was free to stroll around while the orchestra was playing. The Last Night is the last concert of this season. The concert is traditionally in a lighter, 'winding-down' vein, with popular classics followed by a second half of British patriotic pieces. Visitors of this concert the so-called Prommers often wear funny hats and wave flags while moving, singing and dancing to the songs. You should watch the online videos of this event.'

The animal hurries up from the couch and graps the laptop. After five minutes of watching a video online it returns to the living room.

'No', the llama says. 'Those are not the proms I was thinking about. And American teenagers from highschool have nothing to do with that.'

'Don't be sad', I say, 'there will be new Proms and a new Last Night next year.'

'Rule Britannia!' the llama says waving a blue European flag with yellow stars.

Today is Saturday, the 14th of September 2019.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 76

Today is Friday, the 13th of September 2019.

'No comments about the cursed bad-luck-day, animal?' I ask.

No comments from the llama.

'What does the word Frye mean?' the animal asks after a while.

'Don't know', I answer. 'Go and look it up in your dictionary.'

'I C-A-N-T R-E-A-D!' the llama spell its' answer.

'Liar, liar, pants on fire', I say.

'Oh, how I hate cursed Fryedays!'

"Bromford Clowns"

Tell the boys in the back
Danny's crashed his Cadillac
He ain't hurt anybody
At least he wasn't drinking
He was just outside Detriot
You know those roads they are all broke
You cant get anyplace
There aint no point in driving
He's flying in today
He's been all around the usa
He's seen every state at least twice
He's gonna break the news
That his ladies runnin' loose
Yea its getting around
I gotta tell him the truth
But I dont wanna do it
Don't wanna bring him down
Cause being down with some Bromford clowns
Can almost drive you insane
What a shame he's been away
Cause he's worked so hard to pay those bills
He's got two kids from his marraige before
And I wonder what makes him stay
You know it ain't the first time
She's played him like this a thousand times

It won't be the last
He's gonna break the news
That his ladies runnin' loose
Yea its getting around
I gotta tell him the truth
But I dont wanna do it
Don't wanna bring him down
Cause being down with some Bromford clowns
Can almost drive you insane
Tell the boys in the back
You've got some room for Dan
I'm sure he'd be greatful
He's coming home today
He's gonna break the news
That his ladies runnin' loose
Yea its getting around
I gotta tell him the truth
But I dont wanna do it
Don't wanna bring him down
Cause being down with some Bromford clowns
Can almost drive you insane
Being down with some Bromford clowns
Can almost drive you insane

Sunday, September 08, 2019

Penguins in Bromford…

Breathlessly the llama is running up and down the hallway.

'What is wrong?' I ask.

'Everything escalated', the llama says, 'really very quickly.'

'What is wrong?' I repeat my question.

'That psychopath', the llama says, 'Heinz Sabantino, he has kidnapped Kylie after he bludgeoned one of the stolen penguins to death with a baseball bat. He shot one policeman and run over another one with a yellow cab in a phone booth right in front of the apartment house his mother lived in. And finally he threw his mother out of the window of her apartment on the forth or fifth floor.'

'Oh, my god', I shout out. 'And Kylie? Is she alright?'

'Heinz took her unconscious body to the roof of the apartment house. And after diskussions and a punch-up with Harry and Kylie's ex-boyfriend Jamie Heinz was shot in the back with bow and arrow and fell from the roof in the streets. Maybe there are Indians in the freaking neighbourhood…'


Is that Kylie's voice coming from the living room?

I hurry over to her and squeeze her tightly in my arms.

'Thank goodness, you are alright.'

She seams to be confused.

'Why shouldn't I be alright?' she asks.

She is holding a black and yellow DVD in her hand.

'Who left the movie Five Corners in the DVD player?' she asks.

'Did you know that them Germans called this film Penguins in the Bronx?' the llama asks. 'But I do not like animal horror.'

'Which film?' I am all confused right now.

'But you know that I am not Linda from that movie and I am definatley not Jodie Foster', she asks smiling. And we are not in the 60s.'

The llama sighs. 'No, we are not. But I liked the 60s.'

And again, the animal starts to sing…

There are places I'll remember
All my life, though some have changed
Some forever, not for better
Some have gone, and some remain
All these places had their moments
With lovers and friends, I still can recall
Some are dead, and some are living
In my life, I've loved them all

Today is Sunday, the 8th of September 2019.

Friday, September 06, 2019

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 75

Today is Friday, the 6st of September 2019.

The llama sings,

♫ Never Going To Get To France... ♫

'Ah, shut up', I say.

"Bromford Girl"

Got no time for the corner boys,
Down in the street makin' all that noise,
Don't want no whores on Eighth Avenue,
Cause tonight I'm gonna be with you.

'Cause tonight I'm gonna take that ride,
Across the river to the Bromford side,
Take my baby to the carnival,
And I'll take you on all the rides,
Sing sha la la la la la sha la la la.

Down the shore everything's alright,
You're with your baby on a Saturday night,
Don't you know that all my dreams come true,
When I'm walkin' down the street with you,
Sing sha la la la la la sha la la la.

You know she thrills me with all her charms,
When I'm wrapped up in my baby's arms,
My little angel gives me everything,
I know someday that she'll wear my ring.

So don't bother me cause I got no time,
I'm on my way to see that girl of mine,
Nothin' else matters in this whole wide world,
When you're in love with a Bromford girl,
Sing sha la la la la la la.

And I call your name, I can't sleep at night,
Sha la la la la la la.

Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Drive Corners…

'How is Kylie?' I ask the llama. 'Haven't heard of her in a while.'

'She is hiding, I think', the llama says. 'Last thing I heard was she went to see this Harry guy.'

'Harry?' I ask. 'The one who saved her from that Heinz guy last time?'

'The exact guy', the llama says. 'But she thinks him of less help since he became a pacifistic tree-hugging kind of guy. He has now become a Buddhist and adopted a policy of non-violent response to violence, as he says. And this would make protecting Kylie again a difficult task.'

'I see', I say. 'And what can we do?'

'Protect Kylie and her secret hyding place, I guess', the llama says. 'And be really very carefull.'

The llama turns over to the next page of the newspaper it is reading.

'Oh, look', it says. 'Someone has stolen a pair of penguins from the Bromford zoo.'

'A pair of…', I say. 'You mean two of them?'

'Yes, two of them', the llama says. 'You have always been the smartest candle on this birthday cake.'

I am ignoring the animal. 'Penguins in Bromford? Where have I heard this before?'

Today is Tuesday, the 3rd of September 2019.