Monday, January 28, 2019

The Grass is always bluer on the other Side …

Today is Monday, the 28th of January 2019.

Kylie is calling from Kentucky. Kentucky fried chicken the other day. I am back, the llama says. And I am not a werewolf. Nobody said you were a werewolf, Kylie answers. I said you were a werebus. That is something completely different. The llama does not know what the young lady is talking about. Who said I was a young lady, Kylie asks. Bromford loves fried chicken, the llama thinks out loud. K.F.C. - what a franchise. The capitol of Kentucky is Frankfort, Kylie says. Frankfurt, the llama asks, like that German town near Kassel in Germany? No, it's Frankfort like in Frank's Ford. The town of Frankfort likely received its name from an event that took place in the 1780s. American Indians attacked a group of early European-American pioneers from Bryan Station, who were making salt at a ford in the Kentucky River. Pioneer Stephen Frank was killed, and the settlers thereafter called the crossing "Frank's Ford." This name was later elided to Frankfort. Really, the llama asks. The motto of the United state of Kentucky is, "United we stand, divided we fall" and "Deo gratiam habeamus" which means "We have a new Pope. The Pope smokes dope." in Swiss. How really very interesting, the llama says bored. There is a new fast food chain in Kentucky these days, Kylie says. K.F.L. K.F.L, the llama asks. Kentucky fried llamas, Kylie says. Think about it.


It's Finger Lickin' Good!

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