Saturday, January 05, 2019

Peaches are only hairy apples…

Today is Saturday, the 5th of January 2019.

Kylie is calling from Georgia, just another one of the states of the United States of America. Kylie is talking about loss. She has lost a pile of sugar beets today. They came with large and loud machines and piled them beets on top of an open truck. When they drove them beets away Kylie was already missing them and felt so lost and alone.

* Bromford Bibble?

- Is that my llama on the phone?

* No, I am your lama. 
Where is your butler?

- Who?

* The man who used to answer your phone 
and used to report to you what Kylie was saying?

- I don't know. Was there someone like that?
Maybe the messenger became a passenger?

Tell me more about Georgia, I ask the llama. How has it been so far? It is deserted, I can hear Kylie moan. No beats around. But the capital city of Atlanta is crowded since 1985 when King George came back from a hunting trip from the Blue Ridge Mountains being part of the Appalachian Mountains system. He named the state all by himself after his mother Cassandra II. told him to do something in and with his life. And so he gave the State of Georgia and its first Governor James Oglethorpe a noble motto of wisdom, justice and moderation. And still nobody knows where those open trucks with those frozen and dusty sugar beets are heading. Kylie is talking about Lost and the Others, the llama says and is very worried. Everybody seems to be worried these days.

Hang on tight, Bromford Bibble. Hang in there and always have Georgia on your mind…

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