Sunday, October 28, 2018

Whose Island?

Today is Sunday, the 28th of October 2018.

Kylie is calling from Rhode Island. This ain't no island, the llama complains. And if it is somebody's island or named after its' former owner who the heck is this Rhode? It is also called Providence Plantations, Kylie says. Yes, yes, the llama mumbles, Little Rhody, the Ocean State. I can read Wikipedia as well. Those Americans seem to love their names and nicks …
Kylie is thinking about you, Bromford Bibble. About you and the time you two spend in Highschool together. Those were better times those times, she thinks. When Hildegard Climpton was president of the United States and Donald Grump just another old, green man living in a cave on the hill trying to steal Christmas away from those shiny, happy people living in the valley.
The llama is shaking its' head, Kylie says. A Grump would never steal Christmas without selling it back to the people. And Bromford and Kylie were never in Highschool together. And who the heck is Hildegard Climpton? The llama only knows Harriet Jones, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and her successor, Mother Teresa.
I have to hang up now, Bromford Bibble. These two callers seem to be totally confused.

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