Thursday, October 04, 2018

Two-thousand-eighteen Shades Of Bromford - Part 29

Today is Thursday, the 4th of October 2018.

Where the F... is... Oh, OK. It is Bromford. It is always Bromford. I am here. I am here in Bromford...

:D :D :D


Under a loop of stars in the vulgar cold
The dead airport lay
By the pebbles of the highway
Through the snail clouds
You soared to your lover
I hurried away my darling
With a howl in my throat

Hiding inside the weeds
In the orange grove
The black rooster crowed
Through the hollow of the midnight

With my shot blood
With stains on my fingers
I run with the damned, my darling:
They have taught me to laugh


  1. Sorry, couldn't answer yesterday. I was in Babylon.

    1. I cannot remember listening to this song before...
      Something is wrong with this sentence... :D

      Tim Buckley - Monterey

    2. Where is this Monterey? In Canada?

      57 songs about 39 different cities (and places):

      *** New York IIIIIIII (including Manhattan III) ***

      Los Angeles IIII
      San Francisco III
      Berlin III
      Budapest II
      London II (including Londinium I)
      Amsterdam II
      Manchester I
      Galway I
      Malice I
      San José I
      Barcelona I
      Scarborough I
      Atlantic City I
      Houston I
      Pompeii I
      Rome I
      Bethlehem I
      Chicago I
      Philadelphia I
      Waterloo I
      Memphis I
      Babylon I (Pompeii is in this part of the list so...)
      Paris I
      Pyongyang I
      Yarmouth I
      Santa Maria Da Feira I
      Berkeley I
      Warsaw I
      West Palm Beach I
      New Orleans I
      Hong Kong I
      Cologne I
      Monterey I

      Not even a (real) city or place:
      California II
      Albion I
      Gomorrah I
      Essex I
      Idaho I
