Saturday, October 06, 2018

White Mountains High…

Today is Saturday, the 6th of October 2018.

Kylie is calling from New Hampshire. She asks where the Old Hampshire is and the llama thinks that is a very stupid question. Every man, woman and animal should know that Hampshire is a county on the southern coast of England in the United Kingdom and that the county town of Hampshire is Winchester. But Winchester is also a rifle. Kylie is freezing in Concord, the state capital of New Hampshire. And the llama says, she should not ask where Manchester, the largest city of New Hampshire, lies. The owner of the Eastside Motel and the famous tufted titmouses say it is going to be a long and cold winter. But they are refusing to light up the fireplaces in the motel cabins. Kylie was watching a movie the other day. And now she rather asks herself than that lame llama whether she could and should call the Ghost Rider a Burning Man. And always remember, Bromford Bibble,


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