Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Green, green, green are the mountains …

Today is Wednesday, the 17th of October 2018.

Kylie is calling from Vermont. She does not know anything about Vermont nore about double negatives. This Elvis dude was no Prince Charming, she says. He was just a slimy guy with alcohol and drug problems – in no way at all like that great singer and actor from the past. Ask Priscilla. But now she is enjoying maple sirup, a little bit of hiking and another bit of skiing. The llama is enjoying a large campfire and some roasted corncobs. Kylie asks if you, Bromford Bibble, have found your peace. Are you enjoying the colourful Indian summer? Or are still spending all your money on that beige cult? She says she wishes you were there and wonders if you know who she is at all. I don't like double negatives. They are so… well... negative…

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