Steh' auf! Geh' zurück zur Stunde Deiner Geburt!
Folge dem Fluss Deines Lebens dem Wasserfall hinauf
Bis zu seiner singenden, springenden Quelle.
Und blicke von dort oben hinab auf das, was vor Dir liegt.
Und nach umpfundumpfzig Jahren steht wieder ein Vollmond am Himmel.

Folge dem Fluss Deines Lebens dem Wasserfall hinauf
Bis zu seiner singenden, springenden Quelle.
Und blicke von dort oben hinab auf das, was vor Dir liegt.
Und nach umpfundumpfzig Jahren steht wieder ein Vollmond am Himmel.

Is everybody in? Is everybody in? Is everybody in?
The ceremony is about to begin. …
The program for this evening is not new,
You've seen this entertainment through and through.
You've seen your birth, your life and death,
You might recall all of the rest.
Did you have a good world when you died?
Enough to base a movie on?
The ceremony is about to begin. …
The program for this evening is not new,
You've seen this entertainment through and through.
You've seen your birth, your life and death,
You might recall all of the rest.
Did you have a good world when you died?
Enough to base a movie on?
Jim Morrison– An American Prayer
But I am not dead, not yet.
And I don't wanna die before I get old.
I just wanna go home.
And I don't wanna die before I get old.
I just wanna go home.
Auch hier...
ReplyDeleteHappy, happy birthday and many happy returns!
Jeder ist ein Mond und hat eine dunkle Seite, die er niemandem zeigt.
Mark Twain
Just as you said it, sista! Sista Twain doesn't sound right, by the way...
ReplyDelete"There is no dark side of the moon, really. Matter of fact it's all dark. The only thing that makes it look light is the sun."
ReplyDeleteGerry O'Driscoll, Doorman, interviewed by Roger Waters at Abbey Road Studios for Pink Floyd's The Dark Side Of The Moon album...